Planning for a Successful Session!

Family Portraits are supposed to be fun - but they’re often REALLY stressful. Guess what - they don’t have to be! Please review the following guide to help you prepare for the most successful portraits ever! Please let me know if you have any questions or I can help in any way!

Part I: Prior to your session - Outfit Prep, Child Prep


Planning your outfits

Mamas, first and foremost, START WITH YOUR OUTFIT FIRST. I know you may have your heart set on an adorable outfit for the kiddos, but there are a million adorable outfits for kids. There aren’t a million things for us that fit us well and that we feel REALLY GOOD in. So, start with you first. Find something you are comfortable in and something that makes you feel gorgeous and confident!! If you are self conscious about your arms, do not choose a sleeveless dress. If you’re self conscious about your tummy, choose a tunic style top or empire cut dress.

After you find your perfect outfit, then add in coordinating pieces for your partner and children.

Be sure your outfits are well fitting!!! Baby suspenders usually fall down & baby shoes fall off. We don’t have time to waste adjusting wardrobe constantly.

When planning your outfits, you want to aim for *COORDINATION*, not ‘matchy-matchy’. All white shirts & jeans is matchy-matchy. All the same color is too. Imagine your family’s outfit as being part of one collection at a department store - they’re all different but they go together really, really well. The above images are excellent examples of what coordination looks like.

Some color combinations that are awesome together are:
Navy/Gray Burgundy/Yellow Navy/Burgundy Denim/Cream/Tan
Pink/Gray Yellow/Gray Navy/Red Cream/Tan

Accessories are a wonderful way to tie outfits into one another. If Dad has a Navy Top on, maybe daughter has a Navy bow or mom has a Navy Scarf.

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be sure your children are well rested & fed!

Many a photo session has gone poorly because the children were either tired or hungry. To the best of your ability, make sure they go to bed on time (or early) and get all necessary naps in. If session takes place when they are typically napping, adjust their schedule a few days ahead of time so they can get in a nap anyway. Be sure they have eaten shortly prior to their session.

be sure your children’s face & hands are clean

Children often show up with snotty noses, food on their mouths, stamps or stickers on their skin. I can no longer edit out things that could be taken care of with a washcloth or baby wipes. Please be sure they are super clean, and bring baby wipes & tissues along! If you see them getting a snotty nose or drooling during their session, please take that moment to clean them up! I’ve had parents ask me if I see it in the photos and the answer is a big YES.


be prepared to bribe - seriously!

Most children do best with some bribery - and it has to be instant. Promises of going somewhere later, picking out a special gift, ice cream later aren’t helpful. It just wastes time & energy (unless you have older children!) For children under 5, they need instant gratification. Whether you bring fruit snacks, m & ms, chocolate chips, or mini marshmallows, once they start losing focus, I’ll still be able to get some shots in exchange for something sweet. (I do prefer mini marshmallows as they don’t make a chocolaty mess and are pretty quick to chew.)

Manage your Expectations

\I ask you (here’s looking at you, mamas) to manage your expectations of the session. Please don’t scroll on pinterest looking for ideas or vision of what your session could look like. These images are the best of the best images from an entirely different photographer with an entirely different family, at an entirely different location. I cannot re-create someone else’s work and I won’t try.

You will have the best time when you show up and just allow the session to unfold how it naturally will unfold - do not expect your child will sit like an angel, do not expect your partner will enjoy being there, do not expect any specific poses. Show up, allow me to capture what unfolds - and I promise, when you let these things go, you will be able to have so much more fun. Maybe your child acts a little wild - that’s ok, I’ll capture them being wild. This is real life and that’s ok.


Part 2: Arriving at your Session

leave unNECESSARY things in the car

Leave things you simply don’t need in the car - Dads almost always have their cell & wallets in their front pockets and we have to go through the ritual of finding somewhere else for them to go. Mamas, check your wrists for hair ties. Leave it all in the car. Bring a bag with your bribery, baby wipes/tissues and you should be good!

arrive early & allow children time to scope out the new environment

Arriving early is super important for many reasons. First, you can do any outfit changes necessary, fix hair, give a pep talk, etc. It’s also important to allow young ones to scope out their new environment. Often families arrive right on time and the children have NO interest in immediately sitting down and staying still. Arrive early and give them a chance to run some of their energy out. By the time your session is ready to begin they’ve gotten most of their wiggles out (especially if you have a long car ride.)

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Part 3 - During Your Session

have fun with your family!!!

While I always get a few “looking straight at the camera” shots, my MAIN goal for your session is to capture your family loving on one another. This means I want you guys to play! Pick up your children & toss them in your arms or in the air. Kiss your partner and your children. Hug them deeply. Bring your face next to your honey and tell him or her you love them. Laugh. Giggle. Embrace. Snuggle. Kiss. Play. (And mamas, there is nothing more flattering than laughing at the camera!)

All of these things will allow me to capture the true love, connection & emotion within your family. I cannot capture the true love through my lens if you just smile at the camera the whole session.

Cheese is for crackers.

While I absolutely want to capture your children smiling, please leave the ‘cheese’ behind. Parents often get right behind me and yell “CHEESE” at their children - not only does this create painful looking fake smiles, this becomes really frustrating for everyone - the children, the parents & myself. It usually just wastes precious time we don’t have to lose.

I don’t force smiles. I try really hard to make your child smile authentically. How can you help? First and foremost - allow me to connect with your child, so when they are smiling they are smiling at ME and not at you off on the side. If I’m not working, I’ll tag you in for help - and I want the help to look like: Being silly, making funny faces, dancing, singing their favorite song. But please, do not yell “cheese” (I thank you!)


I hope this has helped give you confidence that your photo session can really be stress free & fun - I would love to document your family’s love authentically this year (and hopefully for years to come!)

I can’t wait to see you soon!